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Music for Cello and Piano - Sergey Antonov and Ilya Kazantsev

Cello/Piano Duo returns to Springvale on May 11th, 2024

Russian/American virtuosos Sergey Antonov and Ilya Kazantsev have performed in some of the world’s greatest concert halls including Moscow’s Rachmaninoff Hall and Saint Petersburg Philharmonia Hall. On May 11th, they will perform once again at the Sanford-Springvale Historical Museum. Both were child prodigies, having entered Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow before the age of 10.

Program Information:

Date: Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Doors Open: At 6:45 p.m.

Concert Starts: At 7:30 p.m.

Address: Historical Museum, 505 Main Street, Springvale

Price: $20.00 18 and older. Children are admitted at no charge.

Tickets: May be purchased at the door the night of the performance.

RESERVE TICKETS BY EMAIL: or call 207-651-1980

The Museum is Handicapped Accessible.

This concert is made possible by:

Law Offices of Charles Nickerson, Lawrence Furbish and Barbara Sutcliffe, Joseph Hanslip, Kennebunk Savings Bank, Nasson College Alumni Association, Dr. Albert and Bonnie Pollard, Estates of Stephen E. Eastman and Dr. Muriel A. Poulin.

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Southern Rail

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